Dearborn Magnet High School

Welcome Back Students and Parents

August 28, 2020


We are more than excited to have you back for another adventure and unpredictable journey through our 2020 – 2021 school year.  The Dearborn Heights teachers and administrators are working hard to get ready for this unprecedented school year.

We understand that unknowns create a great deal of anxiety and stress for our students and families, but we want to assure you that we are here to guide you through any difficult process or bumps in the road. We ask that you remain patient and work with us as we all navigate through the first week of school. Our plan is to introduce you to our new platform of learning and communication through Schoology. This is also new to us and we have been working diligently to learn all that we can before the first day of school. 

Our commitment is to review and teach expectations, to establish norms, to explain schedules for virtual learning, and to introduce our new learning platform (Schoology) in the first week or two of school.  We are absolutely committed to making this year a positive journey; regardless if we are face-to-face or online. We appreciate every student and recognize every parent’s vote of confidence in having us care for their child. We do not take this responsibility lightly. Our hope is that you will communicate with your teachers as we roll into the school year. We anticipate some difficulties and/or challenges and know that we will be available within the structure of the school day to address any concerns you may have. 

Welcome back and we can not wait to see you all!

Dr. Winifred Green – Principal                                 Mr. Oussama Baydoun – Assistant Principal